Hope has a new address: Khwalala TA Juma, Mulanje district, as a Cash Transfer Program takes Flight.

Hope has a new address: Khwalala TA Juma, Mulanje district, as a Cash Transfer Program takes Flight.

On Wednesday 13th September, 2023 in a picturesque setting of Khwalala, TA Juma, Mulanje district a ray of hope emerged as we officially launched the transformative Cash Transfer Program under the banner of the Tropical Cyclone and Recovery project.

This initiative, laser-focused on aiding 2500 households battered by the ravages of tropical storm Freddy, is set to usher in a new era of relief and prosperity. By harnessing the power of cash transfers, the project has set its sights on three critical objectives: vanquishing hunger, combating malnutrition, and championing gender equality in the very heart of the humanitarian crisis.

Here is the game-changing part:  Every participating household will receive a lifeline of K50, 700.00, providing them with the vital resources they need to stand tall once more. Furthermore, each beneficiary will be granted a voucher worth a whopping K75, 000. This golden ticket can be exchanged for 10 kilograms of basal dressing fertilizer, 10 kilograms of top dressing fertilizer, and 5 kilograms of high-quality maize seeds.

In a heartwarming declaration of support CARD`s Programs Manager, Arthur Lichenya, stood before the resilient communities of TA Juma during program`s Launch and made a pledge that’s set to light up their lives.
"Today, I stand before you as a representative of CARD, and I want to assure each and every member of this remarkable community that we are here to ensure your lives not only recover but flourish," said Lichenya, radiating optimism.


With these powerful words, Lichenya affirmed CARD's unwavering commitment to the well-being and prosperity of the people in TA Juma. He continued, "We understand the challenges you've faced, and we're here to help you overcome them. Our mission is to provide a springboard for your lives to bounce back to normalcy."

This heartfelt promise comes as a beacon of hope, underscoring the organization's dedication to the communities affected by the Tropical Cyclone Freddy Response and Recovery Project. It is a testament to CARD's belief in the resilience of the people and its determination to stand with them as they rebuild their lives.
As the project unfolds, the communities of TA Juma can look forward to brighter days ahead, knowing that they have a steadfast partner in CARD, working tirelessly to make their dreams of a brighter future a reality.

This transformative endeavor is set to unfold over the course of two months, breathing fresh hope into the lives of the resilient people of Mulanje.

The driving force behind this humanitarian marvel is none other than the esteemed partnership between the Canadian Food grains Bank and the Presbyterian World Service and Development. The tireless efforts of CARD will ensure the seamless execution of this noble mission, bringing much-needed relief to the affected households.


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