Fynes with CARD Officer at her newly constructed transitional shelter.

Rising from the ruins: A Cyclone Ana survivor's journey of hope and home.

At the age of 85 and visually impaired, Fynes Semu is among the survivors of Cyclone Ana who have resettled in the new Matsukambiya Village, situated in Chikwawa district.

Living in the flood-prone district of Chikwawa, Fynes has experienced numerous disasters attributed to climate change. However, she regards the catastrophic Tropical Storm Ana as one of the most severe disasters she has ever witnessed in her lifetime. The rainstorm, which affected over 900,000 people in Southern Malawi, demolished Fynes's house located in Matsukambiya Village, under Traditional Authority Ngabu in the district.

From humble beginnings to homeownership: Sellina Gondwe`s inspirational rise.

In the heart of Mtembe 1 village, Dowa district, Sellina Gondwe's story unfolds as a beacon of hope and resilience. Her transformative journey from adversity to homeownership is a testament to the power of determination, entrepreneurship and community support. Sellina's life took a pivotal turn when she joined a village savings and loan group facilitated by CARD. 

"CARD has been a game-changer for me. It empowered me with skills in independence, hygiene and financial management. Through their support, I accessed loans that enabled me to build my own house, I am able to pay for school fees for my secondary school daughter and kickstart my Agro-dealer business," Sellina shared, her smile reflecting her newfound confidence.

Previously, Sellina grappled with the challenge of finding stable shelter upon returning from living with her uncle. Undeterred, she channeled her determination and hard work, using her earnings from her businesses to construct her dream home. 

 "I used to struggle to afford three meals a day, but now we enjoy a balanced diet. The knowledge and support from CARD have reshaped my path in agriculture, ensuring food security for my family," Sellina added.

Syntropic Agroforestry: The Solution To Climate Change

How do we face climate change effects as droughts, floods and pests? 

From dream to reality: Veronica Cosmas story in pig farming.

"I will have enough food for the whole year, year of hunger has gone. Am happy because my family will have enough food throughout the year," Veronica Cosmas joyfully exclaims. Her vision is coming to life as she anticipates a bountiful harvest, through her innovative use of pig dung as fertilizer. She looks forward to harvesting ten ox-carts of maize from the very same land that once yielded only two. 

Veronica's journey began with a single boar provided by CARD, which she raised and sold for a profit of MK200, 000.00 . With her earnings, she invested wisely, purchasing fertilizer for the 2023-2024 farming season and constructing modern facilities for her growing pig herd. Through meticulous training in pig husbandry and business management, Veronica optimized her operations, ensuring the health and well-being of her animals while maximizing productivity.

Strengthening Media Relations for Enhanced Humanitarian Aid in Malawi.

In a development aimed at strengthening humanitarian efforts across Malawi, a resounding call to fortify ties between humanitarian organizations and the media has been issued. This urgent plea was articulated during a Media Engagement meeting held in Blantyre on Thursday evening.

The gathering, organized by the United States Government in collaboration with USAID and its Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, alongside Kaizen, a Tetra-tech company, served as a platform to underscore the critical importance of seamless collaboration between humanitarian entities and the media.

Kaizen, has been at the forefront of capacity-building initiatives in partnership with three local Non-Governmental Organizations: Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD), Malawi Red Cross Society, and Find Your Feet. Their concerted efforts have been dedicated to enhancing compliance, refining marketing strategies, fostering media relations and implementing robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks. These activities are geared towards amplifying communications to advance pivotal work in livelihoods, health, agriculture, education and emergency preparedness.