Tale of Resilience and Community Support in Ndunde Village, TA Njema, Mulanje District.

Tale of Resilience and Community Support in Ndunde Village, TA Njema, Mulanje District.

We are thrilled to share the positive outcome of our collaboration with Christian Aid officials during our visit to the picturesque Ndunde village, where we had the opportunity to observe the remarkable results of the Post Cyclone Freddy Recovery and Resilience Project.

As we strolled through the picturesque landscape, we were greeted by the lush maize fields of four remarkable beneficiaries. Their success story was evidence to the unwavering dedication of local farmers and the tremendous support provided by the project. We had the privilege of witnessing a thriving tomato garden lovingly cared for by these resilient farmers, who harnessed the seeds provided by the project in August 2023.

The generosity of the Post Cyclone Freddy Recovery and Resilience Project knows no bounds. With open hearts and open hands, the project distributed 2 kilograms of maize seed and 2 kilograms of beans to over 1000 households. Additionally, it extended a helping hand to 430 households, providing tomato and Chinese seeds. This lifeline was offered to the affected households in the TAs Njema and Sunganinzeru regions, providing much-needed support to those in their time of need.


The project's impact goes beyond just seeds; it is a beacon of hope and recovery. In a gesture of kindness, 22 temporary shelters were constructed for 22 households at TA Njema, offering respite and stability to those who needed it most.

We were thrilled to witness the incredible progress and transformation that this project has brought to the lives of these beneficiaries. Their resilience and the outpouring of support from the community is a proof to the power of unity and compassion.

This heartwarming visit to Ndunde Village serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can prevail, and together, we can create a brighter, more hopeful future.

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