In the heart of Mchinji, amidst the challenges of poverty, a beacon of hope radiates brightly: Glyceria Chitukwi, a resilient 40-year-old mother of five, stands as a testament to the transformative power of the 'Kuwala Ultra Poor Graduation Project'.
This initiative, led by CARD and with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Financial Access for Rural Markets (FARMSE), through Christian Aid, is rewriting the narrative of struggle in the districts of Mchinji, Dowa and Salima in Malawi.
Glyceria's experience underscores the effectiveness of community-driven efforts in disrupting the cycle of poverty. Operating as a fish vendor in Mchinji, she encountered numerous hurdles in maintaining her business and meeting her family's needs. Yet, thanks to the invaluable support and training offered by CARD, Glyceria's situation underwent a remarkable transformation.
Through business coaching and training sessions, Glyceria learned essential skills in financial management and business development. Armed with newfound knowledge, she not only gained the ability to track her business performance but also unlocked the potential for growth and profitability. The impact was profound – Glyceria secured a loan worth K50, 000.00, propelling her business to new heights and improving her livelihood.
But Glyceria's journey does not end there. With anticipation and optimism, she eagerly awaits the $300 grant. For her, it represents more than just financial assistance; it symbolizes a gateway to even greater opportunities and prosperity. With determination in her eyes and a spirit unyielding, Glyceria is poised to seize every opportunity that comes her way, fueled by the transformative power of the 'Kuwala Ultra Poor Graduation Project'.
This initiative is laser-focused on sustainably uplifting ultra-poor households from poverty by bolstering their resilience. By February 2025, our overarching aim is to facilitate the graduation of these households from poverty. We are dedicated to enhancing social protection measures, diversifying livelihoods and promoting financial inclusion and economic opportunities. Through improved access to financial services, improved financial management skills and increased savings, we are paving the way for lasting positive change within these communities.
The project is targeting 2,750 ultra-poor households with 60% women, 20% youth and 10% people with disability while seeking to graduate at least 2,500 of these targeted households.
Key interventions include; promotion of climate smart agriculture, nutrition sensitive activities, coaching and mentorship, skills development, enhanced participation into structured markets, promoting village savings and loan groups, financial literacy training and provision of seed capital.
Together we build a resilient Malawi.