Great Progress in Cyclone Freddy Relief Efforts: Executive Director Melton Luhanga Leads the Way.

Great Progress in Cyclone Freddy Relief Efforts: Executive Director Melton Luhanga Leads the Way.

In an inspiring display of commitment and progress, Our Executive Director Melton Luhanga spearheaded a monumental visit to Mulanje district, overseeing the remarkable strides in Cyclone Freddy relief efforts.

His hands-on involvement and oversight were crucial in ensuring the smooth execution of relief initiatives, encompassing various programs in partnership with CARD and other key collaborators.

During his visit on Tuesday, 9th January 2024, Luhanga witnessed the astounding dedication and unwavering efforts of communities under Traditional Authorities Njema and Sunganinzeru. Their relentless work in response to Cyclone Freddy's aftermath drew admiration during Luhanga's visit.

Notably, the combined efforts, supported by funding from USAID through Catholic Relief Service, led to the establishment of 1050 temporary shelters for Cyclone Freddy victims in TA Njema within Mulanje district. 

Our team's proactive approach is also evident in the ongoing rehabilitation of 27 boreholes within TA Sunganinzeru, significantly amplifying the relief efforts' scope and impact.

Expressing deep admiration for the dedication witnessed, Luhanga emphasized the crucial importance of sustained collaboration and support. His proactive engagement underscores CARD's unwavering commitment to alleviating the challenges faced by communities affected by natural disasters. This dedication reaffirms CARD's steadfast dedication to humanitarian causes.


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