Fantastic day at Chichiri Trade Fair grounds for CARD and the 19th National Agriculture fair!

Fantastic day at Chichiri Trade Fair grounds for CARD and the 19th National Agriculture fair!

What an extraordinary day it was at the Chichiri Trade Fair Grounds for the 19th National Agriculture Fair, on Thursday, where Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) showcased its remarkable commitment to sustainable agriculture and rural development in Malawi.

This remarkable event, organized in partnership with the Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, is being held at the Chichiri Trade Fair Grounds under the inspiring theme of "Achieving Self-Reliance through Agricultural Commercialization" and will continue until Saturday, August 26, 2023, in Blantyre.
The fairgrounds buzzed with admiration as CARD presented its array of products, including the delectable bananas, fish, tomatoes, onions, the beloved Dzaleka peanut butter and the game changing Biofrass and Dzaleka fertilizer among others. These products are a testament to CARD's commitment to sustainable agriculture and rural development in Malawi.


Adding the touch of prestige to the occasion, the Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale graced the event with his esteemed presence. His visit to CARD`s pavilion showcased his genuine interest in their impactful work. Hon. Kawale commended CARD for its tireless efforts and dedication to improving the agricultural landscape in Malawi. 
CARD stands as a beacon of hope and progress, dedicated to eradicating poverty and fostering sustainable development in Malawi. Through its unwavering commitment and strategic collaborations, CARD empowers communities and steers the nation toward agricultural excellence.

The Nabobo Honey and Herbal products being produced by farmers from Nsanje, Mchinji and Mulanje under the Bread for the World (BftW) funded PAET - ERA project and the beloved Dzaleka peanut butter and the game changing Biofrass and Dzaleka fertilizer among others produced by People forced to flee and Hosts under UNHCR funded projects.

Below, we present a visual summary of the event, capturing the enthusiasm, engagement, and success of the day.

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